Selected Clients

Our clients are leading research organizations—including universities, independent research institutes, and hospitals/health centers—that span diverse geographies and areas of scientific pursuit. The Stratocore solution is used by these institutions to better manage both service- and instrument-based core facilities as well as to facilitate the overall management of research infrastructures and enterprises.


The list below provides a glimpse at some of the organizations that Stratocore is proud to serve. 

European Research Organizations

Research Universities

  • BOKU (Austria)
  • Brunel University London (UK)
  • Dublin City University (Ireland)
  • EPFL School of Life Sciences (Switzerland)
  • ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
  • Heidelberg University (Germany)
  • Heriot-Watt University (UK)
  • Imperial College London (UK)
  • King's College London (UK)
  • KU Leuven (Belgium)
  • Ludwig Maximilian University (Germany)
  • Maastricht University (Netherlands)
  • Newcastle University (UK)
  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)
  • University of Basel (Switzerland)
  • University of Birmingham (UK)
  • University of Bonn (Germany)
  • University of Cambridge (UK)
  • University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
  • University of Edinburgh (UK)
  • University of Geneva (Switzerland)
  • University of Konstanz (Germany)
  • University of Manchester (UK)
  • University of Tuebingen (Germany)

Research Institutes and Hospitals

  • Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute (UK)
  • Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (Spain)
  • Centre for Structural Systems Biology (Germany)
  • European Molecular Biology Laboratory, EMBL (Germany)
  • Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (Switzerland)
  • German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ (Germany)
  • Humanitas Research Hospital (Italy)
  • Institut Jacques Monod (France)
  • Institut Pasteur (France)
  • Institute of Science and Technology Austria
  • Max Planck Institute (Germany)
  • Norwich Research Park (UK)
  • Ospedale San Raffaele (Italy)
  • Roche (Switzerland)
  • The Francis Crick Institute (UK)
  • Vienna Biocenter (Austria)
  • Wellcome Sanger Institute (UK)

North American Research Organizations

Research Universities, Institutes, and Hospitals

  • Argonne National Labs (US)
  • Carnegie Mellon University (US)
  • Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (US)
  • Douglas Mental Health University Institute (Canada)
  • Emory University (US)
  • Florida Atlantic University (US)
  • Harvard Medical School (US)
  • Harvard School of Public Health (US)
  • Marine Biological Laboratory (US)
  • Michigan State University (US)
  • National Institute of Health (US)
  • New York Blood Center (US)
  • New York Structural Biology Center (US)
  • The Rockefeller University (US)
  • Takeda (US)
  • University of Alberta (Canada)
  • University of California Los Angeles (US)
  • University of Colorado Boulder (US)
  • University Health Network (Canada)
  • University of Kentucky (US)
  • University of Ottawa Heart Institute (Canada)
  • University of Rochester Medical Center (US)
  • University of Tennessee, Knoxville (US)
  • University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (US)
  • Yale University (US)

Australian Research Organizations

Research Universities, Institutes, and Hospitals

  • Macquarie University 
  • The Children’s Hospital at Westmead
  • The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute 
  • Translational Research Institute 
  • University of Queensland 
  • University of Sydney 
  • Westmead Research Hub 

Asian Research Organizations

Research Universities and Institutes

  • Agency for Science, Technology and Research, A*STAR (Singapore)
  • National University of Singapore
  • Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (Japan)